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Songs from Grotesquerie Lake

Selected songs from GROTESQUERIE LAKE, a new musical set in 1970s Ohio that draws story elements from the ballet SWAN LAKE and the opera DER …

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Grotesquerie Lake (Additional Songs)

Additional demo tracks from my newest musical.

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Show People

SHOW PEOPLE tells the story of young journalist Harrison Fiske and his attempts to organize a benefit performance in 1882 to establish what is know to us today as The Actors Fund.

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The Dwelling Time

THE DWELLING TIME revolves around the the astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered the planet Pluto in 1930, and the eleven-year old schoolgirl Venetia Burney who helped name the planet after a worldwide contest was held.

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The Day Boy and the Night Girl

THE DAY BOY AND THE NIGHT GIRL is the story of Watho, a witch with a wolf in her mind, who in the grandest of experiments decides to raise two children in confinement in order to guard the children against their own “wolves.”

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